Object type

Visit The Tower of London


'I thought i could just make it...'


Margate by Train


Milton Keynes by Train


Brighton by Train


Poster, Portsmouth by Train


Thank you to our customers and staff for closing doors and windows during the cold months

Hampton Court by Train


Poster, Southend by Train


talk tidy

Don't Slip Up! Watch your step this winter!

Take your Car to the West Country by Train


Hastings & St Leonards - Go By Train


Bognor Regis

See Britain by Train - Take a Circular Tour


Enjoy a country afternoon cheap ticket

Hastings & St Leonards - Go By Train


Electrification of the Hastings Line


Poster, Chichester by Train


try disappearing


Don't look so nervous. Anyone would think you were a fare dodger


Dover by Train


Have a good look at your fellow passengers


We're Making Tracks for a Better Railway


Severe Winter Weather

1991 December

Hastings & St Leonards - Go By Train


Take your Car to London by Train


take your car by train to the west country


Take your car by train to London


For Christmas Excursions and day return tickets

Visit Canterbury Cathedral


Take the chill off BBBRRRRR!

BR(CAS) poster. Intercity - Free Intercity Ticket at Boots, 1991. Bag of Boots products with text below. Printed by Planet Displays Ltd. 1010 x 635mm.

British Railways (Central Advertising Service) poster

BR(CAS) poster. Intercity Leisure Fares - When you can use your Saver and Supersaver from 1 October 1991. Table showing when Saver and Supersaver tickets can be used. Printed by Planet Displays Ltd. 1010 x 635mm.

British Railways (Central Advertising Service) poster

Poster, British Rail (CAS) for Network South East, Portsmouth by Train - Victory and Warrior by Edward Pond, 1989. HMS Victory and Warrior figurehead. B00493/A1/1989. Printed by Planet Displays Ltd. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Portsmouth by Train


BR(CAS) notice. British Rail Passenger Timetable, 30 September 1991 to 10 May 1992. Supplement changes from 20 January 1992. Text on white background. Printed by Planet Displays Ltd. 1010 x 635mm.

British Railways (Central Advertising Service) notice

Poster, Intercity poster, (Welcome to The Routes of Britain), Picture of union flag flying in blue sky, And attatched to a flagpole which has taken route in the earth below,1992,(Other IDs AA0235).

Welcome to The Routes of Britain


Poster, British Rail (Southern Region) poster, (Visit Hampton Court Palace), Promoting Awaydays to Hampton Court fron Southern Region Stations, January 1978, (Other IDs AD999/B5/121 Code C).

Visit Hampton Court Palace


Poster, British Rail Intercity poster, (When You Can Use Your Saver and Supersaver), Table sorting out validity of tickets for period 1 October 1990 to 30 April 1991, Together with footnote regarding ticket restrictions, September 1990, (Other IDs AO1774/A4/9.90 - 4.91).

When You Can Use Your Saver and Supersaver


Poster, British Rail (Southern Region) poster, (Visit Canterbury Cathedral), Promoting Awaydays to Canterbury from Southern Region stations, January 1978, (Other IDs AD998/B3/12178).

Visit Canterbury Cathedral


Poster, British Rail Southern Region, (Visit Kew by Train), Printed in shades of green, black and white, Representations of the Palm House and Chinese Pagoda at Kew, A beam engine for the Living Steam Museum and a grand piano for Mechanical Music Museum, Information on all three sites, Availability of copies of posters for purchase, Awayday fare to Kew Bridge Station, 1978, (Other IDs AD996/B3/12178 Code C).

Visit Kew by Train


British Railways (Southern) poster (New Double Offer), White background, Text in white on two irregular shapes, Upper one magenta, Lower blue, Advises that from Sunday 26 April all tickets can be used to and from all Southern Region London Terminals and annual season tickets will be issued at a new cheap rate, 1970, (AD3304/B11/13470)

New Double Offer


Poster, British Rail poster, (Now the Allround Service to Exeter), White/blue background, Now the Allround Service to Exeter, Pie diagram with a house, a train and a bus on it, The E1 route is your local link with Exmouth Station, Fast, Frequent, From early to late, August 1990, (Other IDs JI0005/60/686).

Now the Allround Service to Exeter


Poster, British Rail poster, (Where We Took Mummy and Daddy Yesterday), White background, Children's drawing of a train, Castle, The sea, A river, An ice cream, Get your free "Days out by train" leaflet here, July 1987, (Other IDs LI0065/A1/7.87).

Where We Took Mummy and Daddy Yesterday


Poster, Inter City, Practice Your Motorway Driving. Stare Intently at this Poster, White background, Two red dots in middle, Practice Your Motorway Driving. Stare Intently at this Poster, Fog, Warning signs and holdups all add up to a Winter of discontent, If it wasn't for the train, We'd all go dotty, For an Inter City guide to services call 081-200 0200 or ask at your local station or rail appointed travel agent, 1992, (Other IDs A1/1092).

Practice Your Motorway Driving. Stare Intently at this Poster


Poster, British Rail poster, (Meadowhall Now Stopping for Shopping), White background, Drawing of a train at Meadowhall station, A new station for Europe's finest shopping centre, Our new station at Meadowhall is now open, Pick up a leaflet at your local staffed station, August 1990, (Other IDs NI025/110/8.90).

Meadowhall Now Stopping for Shopping


Poster, British Rail poster, (Now the Allround Service to Exeter), White/blue background, Now the Allround Service to Exeter, Pie diagram with a house, A train and a bus on it, The E1 route is your local link with Exmouth station, Fast, Frequent from early to late, (Other IDs JI0005/60/686).

Now the Allround Service to Exeter

Poster, British Rail (Southern Region) poster, (Visit Winchester Cathedral), Promoting Awaydays to Winchester Cathedral from Southern region stations, January 1978, (Other IDs AD992/B3 1/2/12178 Code C).

Visit Winchester Cathedral


Poster, British Rail (Southern Region) poster, (Visit Arundel Castle), Promoting Awaydays to Arundel Castle from Southern region stations, March 1977, (Other IDs AD81/B3/25277 Code C).

Visit Arundel Castle


Poster, British Rail (Southern Region) poster, (Visit Guildford), Promoting Awaydays to Guildford from Southern region stations, July 1976, (Other IDs AD992/B3/29676 Code C).

Visit Guildford